Sunday, April 29, 2012

I am an emotional person...(understatement). 

However, even though I have all of the emotions of twelve people at a time (no I don't have MPD...pretty sure) I do a great job (self evaluated) at keeping them under control.  That is... until the other day. 

Short scenario... I have almost all guy friends.  Being a girl, this is awesome and awful all at once.  Sometimes they forget that even though I am a gun toting, boxing BA (that's short hand for Bad Ass. also, I'm not really gun toting, but I do know how to shoot well) I still have feelings and a somewhat (very) sensitive soul.  SO when I am sad and expressing hurt feelings to them and they LAUGH at me when I am crying... chaos ensues.  This has only happened to me once in my life, and my reaction was just as surprising to my victim (read: best friend... or was...) as it was to myself. 

It went like this, as we are driving to the world's most magical place, Coors Field:

Me: crying.  hysterically.
Jerk: ...laughing.
Me: are you laughing at me right now?
Jerk: still laughing
Jerk: are you serious?

so he did.  And I drove away.  Then I called my dad.  He said "whoa whoa pull over you can not drive and cry like this, this is not like you".  My response?  "Dad, I can't pull over! I have to get away, if I stop, he might think I was joking."

So I kept driving.  I regained my composure.  I called some other friends and we all went to the game.  And guess what?  It was awesome.

And guess what else?  I don't even feel bad.  

Sometimes I guess you just have to demand some respect.

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